The Yamastik factory, in VI.PE. Heraklion, Crete, has all the necessary certificates of a modern factory, concerning Management Systems, Production Processes and Product Quality Controls.
Quality Control and Management
According to the company's policy and basic philosophy, focusing on the customer, i.e. the full satisfaction of his needs and providing him with quality services and products based on his requirements, is one of its fundamental values.
By investing in the effort and time of its employees and partners, Yamastik believes that it can effectively meet the demands of its customers. The Company, within the scope of its operations, fully complies with all requirements of the legislation.
Its goal is to fully satisfy its customers, using a philosophy that satisfies their needs and expectations, focusing on quality.
The main objectives of the implementation of the Quality Policy are:
Increasing customer satisfaction.
The provision of high quality consulting services.
The continuous growth of the customer base.
The effective implementation of the projects it undertakes, according to the needs and requirements of its clients.
The effective monitoring and control of project implementation
To meet all legislative and regulatory requirements relevant to and concerning its activities.
Continuous training of staff.
The selection of suppliers and partners for the supply of quality raw materials, materials and services
Ensuring the quality of intermediate and finished products, as well as the certification of products and production processes, based on European and international standards by accredited and internationally recognized organizations.
Quality Policy
To be the leading, pioneering and intercultural group in our field, with a focus on people and respect for the environment.
The values on which Yamastik's operation is based are:
- Integrity
- Team spirit
- Social Responsibility
- Vanguard
- Focus on the customer
- Entrepreneurship
- Continuous learning
- and form the basis for achieving its strategic objectives below:
- Continuous expansion into new markets
- Creating satisfied customers, partners and consumers
- Flexible organisation
- High productivity
- Total quality policy
- Directly responding to market stimuli and demands for integrated technical solutions and services; and
- A working environment that promotes teamwork and creativity
With the implementation of the Quality Management System, the company's Management is committed to:
The satisfaction of customer requirements
The satisfaction of legal and regulatory requirements governing its products and services
The continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
In order to achieve the above commitments, the company's Management provides the necessary resources and takes the necessary steps to:
The company's staff has a clear knowledge of the importance given to satisfying customer requirements
The system should be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure its effectiveness
Specific, measurable and achievable targets to be established on an annual basis, the implementation of which should be a commitment for the company and an obligation for the staff
This quality policy to be reviewed at regular intervals
This quality policy is communicated to all company personnel
The active participation and contribution of all the company's personnel is considered a decisive factor for the achievement of the Quality objectives.
Environmental Policy
Objective of the business
Yamastik, a constantly growing Agricultural Machinery Industry, recognizes that economic growth can and must go hand in hand with a healthy environment and therefore, it was and is its goal to combine its dynamic course with the necessary respect for the environment, its preservation, protection and improvement.